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7 Basic Parts Of A Diverter Valve

The knowledge of the different parts of a diverter valve will help you analyze future problems that may arise due to long-term usage of the valve.

Knowing the different parts of a diverter valve shall save you some time during maintenance tasks. Proper knowledge of its different parts and what functions they serve can also help someone grasp the basic operations surrounding pool applications and any other systems that utilize this type of valve.


1. Body

Regardless of valve type, the most common shape of a valve’s body is spherical. There are other shapes available but it largely depends on the diverters present. In most instances, the body has partitions to support the seat that is an essential internal valve part.

2. Bonnet

The bonnet is the cover for the valve's orifice. There are manufacturers who provide diverter valve designs wherein the bonnet solely serves as a covering. Others implement a design wherein the bonnet effectively supports and protect the trim components like the seat, stem and disk.

Recent studies about valve components revealed that the bonnet can pose potential occurrences of leaks. It further complicates the manufacture of the valve because it relatively adds to the size resulting into higher purchasing cost.

3. Seat

This is one of the internal valve components that comprise the trim. It is also called seal ring. It holds the disk in place. Mort rings of valves with diverters are o-shaped, thus they are called o-rings and commonly come in three per valve.

4. Disk

This is the trim component that gives shape to the valve. This part also plays large part behind the name conventions of valves. It plays an essential part to the entire functionality of the valve because it allows and deprives fluid flow. In terms of pool applications, it is vital towards the regulation of water flowing through the pipes from the source to the pools.

5. Stem

This part connects the actuator and the disk to each other. This part determines the position of the disk. It allows the rotational movements of the disk while held by the seat. Proper rotating movements should be practiced to guarantee the firm connection of the disk to the actuator and to the stem itself.

6. Actuator

This part runs the disk and the assembly properly. It has different methods of operation. Some are manual while others can be operated by solenoids, motors, levers, and pneumatic operators. Actuators are always usually placed outside the pressure boundary of the valve.

7. Packing

This part is made from a variety of materials. Yet, despite differences in material composition, the common purpose is separate the internal parts to the external components and to protect them from potential damage-causing actions. The packing is also a defense line against leaks.

In conclusion, the knowledge of the different parts of a diverter valve will help you analyze future problems that may arise due to long-term usage of the valve. By familiarizing yourself with the different parts of valves with diverters, you are embracing the benefits of a well-understood interconnected functionality of each part. This can also influence your choice of a particular valve with diverters for use in your own applications, be it for personal or business purposes. Read here for more of the selection guidelines for valves with diverters.